NCE "Atameken" for Domestic Business

NCE "Atameken" for Domestic Business

By order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 277 dated August 6, 2024, a Working Group was established to support domestic producers in the field of renewable energy sources (RES). The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LLP "TechnoGroupService" Zhomart Mominbayev, along with representatives of key government bodies and relevant public associations, was included in the Working group.

Previously, "TechnoGroupService" repeatedly submitted proposals to the NCE "Atameken" and the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan on optimizing legislation for domestic producers on issues such as financial support, the electricity market, and export financing.

At the first meeting of the Working Group, held on August 8, 2024, Zhakyb Khairushev, Managing Director of NCE RK - Director of the Department of Energy and Housing and Utilities, expressed an active position on behalf of NCE "Atameken". The speaker stressed the urgent need to adopt fiscal and sectoral measures to support domestic producers. In his speech, Zh. Khairushev cited the example of Turkey, which successfully protects local equipment manufacturers for PV modules.

LLP "TechnoGroupService" expresses gratitude to NCE "Atameken" and personally to Zhakyb Khairushev for their balanced and professional position. We hope that the results of the Working Group of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan will bring concrete outcomes and not remain merely a formal statement.