Enhancing Export Potential

Enhancing Export Potential

On July 12 in Astana, under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an extended meeting of the operational headquarters on the development of non-resource exports was held in the format of a B2G dialogue. This large-scale event brought together representatives of more than 10 business associations, 20 government bodies, and national development institutions, as well as about 150 exporters. Delegates discussed key strategies and initiatives aimed at strengthening Kazakhstan's position in the global non-resource export market.

Zhomart Nurkanov, a representative of "TechnoGroupService" LLP, proposed the creation of an Export Cartel and the organization of product deliveries under a single credit agreement, which was accepted. This initiative is aimed at enhancing the export potential and increasing the competitiveness of high-tech Kazakhstani products in international markets. Currently, "TechnoGroupService" LLP is implementing a project to construct a 50 MW solar power plant in the Kyrgyz Republic, with the potential to export up to 80% of Kazakhstani equipment, services, and works of the project's total cost.